Editor Comments on Medicare Decision Memo


For the first time a very important government medical authority ( Medicare) has declared that “ there is sufficient EVIDENCE to conclude that Microvolt T Wave Alternans (MTWA) diagnostic testing is reasonable and necessary for the evaluation of patients at risk of sudden death, only when the  spectral analytic method is used..” Medicare went to say: “ MTWA is a useful risk stratification tool and can identify which heart patients are at NEGLIGIBLE risk of sudden death, and who may therefore be able to avoid ICD implantation and its attendant RISK”.


EVIDENCE BASED MEDICINE are the key words in clinical medicine so that MEDICARE for the first time takes this decision based on an analysis of more than 100 papers (more than 2600 patients) on the subject. The paper of  Bloomfield (1) on JACC 2006 on other 587 patients and the Bavarelli heart failure paper in the International Journal of Cardiology (2) were all published too late to be included in Medicare analysis.


In the REAL WORLD of  Medicine there are not sufficient resources to treat all the patients with costly invasive therapy.

Recent events highlighting the potential complications of ICD ( infections, ICD removal, leads removal, inappropriate shocks ) make discussion between the physician and the patient more critical. Often MTWA Abnormal results become the enabling event to convince an unwilling patient that invasive therapy is needed, while an  MTWA test can help to reassure both the patient and the doctor that conservative medical therapy is most appropriate.


In Europe the budget for ICD implantation is limited so that in most Cardiology department there is a fixed number of ICDs to be implanted per year and the Doctor has to make a decision on which of his MADIT II (or SCD-Heft ) type patients can he afford to implant an ICD.

In the REAL WORLD there is a problem of limited resources and MTWA can provide the best solution.




1. Bloomfield DM, Bigger, JT et al. MTWA and the risk of death or sustained ventricular arrhythmias in patients with left ventricular dysfunction. J Am Coll Cardiol 2006; 47:456-463


2 Baravelli , Salerno Uriate et al. Predictive significance for sudden death of microvolt-level T wave alternans in New York Heart Association class II congestive heart failure patients International Journal of Cardiology ,Volume 105, Issue 1 , 20 October 2005, Pages 53-57